Features of Visitor Management System-paperless
- E-gatepass is a Safe Easy to Implement ultimate Automatic Visitor Pass System.
- It does not require a Supervisor to administer the system
- Even A Gate Security Guard or a Watchman can also use it very Easily
- Visitor can simply Fill the Forms online before visiting and By the Time He or She Visits the Company gate all the Formalities are Ready .
- While Entering the Premises the System Generates a Specific OTP and so No proxy Entry is Possible. In short Pass of one person cannot be used by the Other person.
- The unique feature of the visitor management solution is that it can record both the entry & the exit of any visitor in the premise.
- Visitor management system enables you to close loop the entry exit system.
- The data of the visitors can be easily maintained & accessed at a later date.
- This data can also be sent on the web for online communication from site / factory to Head office.
- This system is Web & Lan enabled.
- You can see entire list of day’s visitor with photo’s.
- ‘Quick show’ is available on the web. In 10 min. you can see entire list of day’s visitor with photo’s.
- Sms/Whatsapp Alert to concerned People on Arrival of a visitor at the Gate. Alert also available on the lan as a ‘POP UP’ , if connected to our gate pass management system.