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Due to Internet all over the Country the Support and Installation is done at the click of  a key. You just call us on phone : For all small factories we have a provision to MAKE A TRIAL RUN . Post that it hardly takes a weeek for a FULL SYSTEM Distance is no longer a Problem.

Software is tested thoroughly for MultiPlant Installations and so even if you have Multiple Plants to be connected to H.O. we can easily do it.

Customisation is Part and Parcel of Implementation and we are quite comfortable with it. Only Concept is The IDEA should be Technically and Financialy Feasible. The System is so comprehensive as its tested at many locations : you are going to have many things that you may not have even thought of but are FACED by many of our other clients. SO YOU GET ALL THAT TECHNOLOGY FREE OF COST.

Annual maintenance is like the Investment on the Product to Grow irrespective of Manpower Problems or the Systems Hardware Related Problems. It gives us a Support to be your partners to avoid any Downtimes all along the PERFORMANCE OF THE SYSTEM.

You can always connect with our sales team and you will be taken care of by them. We will help you with initial setup and demonstration and Implementation.

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